Expert warns using electric fan at night could cause four health problems

With temperatures crawling close to the 30s daily, your bedroom might not be much cooler during the night.

If you are tired of taking cold showers before bed or getting woken up by heat in the middle of the night, you might be ready for some extra help.

However, Martin Seeley, the CEO and sleep expert at MattressNextDay, said to hold fire before adding a fan to your shopping basket and to your bedroom.

While the cooling devices can be an effective way of regulating your temperature at night, there are some health downsides to them.

Allergens and asthma

The very thing that makes electric fans effective at making you cool – circulating the air around the room – could also spell bad news for your allergies and asthma.

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The device can also circulate dust mites, spores, pollen and other allergens, triggering reactions.

Seeley said: “So, if you find that you’re suffering from excessive sneezing, watery eyes, a runny nose, itchy throats and even breathing difficulties, make sure that there is no dust on the blades of your electric fan. 

“If you have the budget, it is worth upgrading to a better fan that can purify the air by reducing the pollen particles and dust mites throughout the room.”

However, if you’re set on using your fan, the expert recommended cleaning your bedroom regularly to help alleviate allergies.


The excess wind created by an electric fan can dry out your nose and throat, resulting in your body producing more mucus in order to stay hydrated.

Seeley said: “This can create many side effects, including a headache, stuffy nose and even a sinus headache.”

Fortunately, keeping your water intake up could help stop this from happening, with the expert recommending drinking at least two litres per day.

Dry eyes and irritation

Similarly to congestion, the excess wind doesn’t only dry out your nose and throat but also your eyes, which can lead to irritation.

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The expert said: “This is even more important for those that wear contact lenses due to them increasing your likelihood of dryness and irritations. 

“You can, however, get around this if you purchase a rotating electric heater as it circulates the air more.”

Stiff neck and sore muscles

If you are no stranger to muscle pains, the expert recommended refraining from directing the fan on these painful areas throughout the night.

“This is because the concentrated cool air can make your muscles tense and cramp up, causing you even more pain. 

“You may even notice that you’ve gained a stiff neck since using an electric fan so refrain from using it for a few nights to see if you spot a difference.”

If you don’t want to risk the health problems outlined above, the expert recommended other tips for staying cool at night:

  • Put your pillowcase or hot water bottle in the freezer before your bedtime
  • Run your wrists under cold water when you brush your teeth
  • Keep your bedroom’s blinds and curtains shut all-day
  • Expose yourself to as much daylight as possible throughout the day
  • Make sure to drink at least two litres of water throughout the day
  • Finish your last pint, wine or spirit at least three hours before bed
  • Switch your duvet cover to a lighter-coloured one.

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