Teenagers: Less alcohol and cigarettes, more Cannabis

New data on the addictive behaviour of young people show positive developments, especially in the case of cigarettes: The Smoking rate of 12 – to 25-Year-old is on the lowest level in nearly 50 years. The number of young people who use Cannabis is on the rise.

Since the year 1973, the Federal centre for health education (BzgA) every year surveys on the Smoking behaviour, alcohol and cannabis use in the 12 – to 25-Year-olds in Germany. "The Figures in the smoke are more than erfreulich", Daniela Ludwig says, drug Commissioner of the Federal government. The proportion of young people between 12 and 17 years who smoke, with 5.6 percent to a new historic low. In the age group of 18 – to 25-Year-old Smoking with 21.2 percent as few as never before since the beginning of the BZgA-survey series. "To list just watch, we need to pipe the development of the consumption of E-products and water, even if currently there is no further consumption increases sind", Prof. Dr. med says. Heidrun Thaiss, Director of the BZgA.

Binge drinking is still on Trend

Even with alcohol, there are positive developments: at Least once a week alcohol 9.5 per cent of the surveyed 12 – to 17-Year-olds (2004: 21.2 percent) and 32.9 percent of 18 – to 25-Year-olds (2004: 43.6%) drink. Of concern, however, is that overall, too many young people drinking to alcohol intoxication. "This is in particular in the youth age dangerous. Here are increased common prevention is commitment erforderlich", so Thaiss. Over the years, the Trend of the noise is considered a drink, however, also declined.

Young people Smoking weed and more

Only the consumption of Cannabis, an increase is observed. "We see with concern. Cannabis is by far the most consumed illegal substance. This is of particular concern, since the consumption in adolescence linked with specific risks for growing organism ist", Thaiss says. Young people to educate about the health consequences of Cannabis, the government has a new prevention campaign "Drugcom" launched. "The launch of the social media, followed by new national prevention, with a focus on school. This prevention comes at just the right Zeitpunkt", so Ludwig.