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Female athletes and sports injuries: Psychology matters

Sports, psychology, and female athletes

Whole athlete care

Questions to consider asking an injured athlete

  • How have you been dealing with your injury and recovery from an emotional standpoint?
  • Do you feel sad or depressed about your recovery?
  • Do you feel that you are able to control how well you will do with your rehab?
  • Do you think you have the mental and physical skills needed to get better?
  • How are you feeling about yourself at this time in your recovery?
  • Have you been able to stay involved with your team and teammates?
  • Do you feel like you’re ready to return to sports?

Unique stressors on female athletes

  • unequal access to sports opportunities, facilities, and equipment
  • objectification and trivialization of female athletes
  • sexual harassment and violence
  • body image concerns and pressure to maintain an unhealthy weight

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