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Sometimes, people have the mindset that if they had a partner, or their dream job, or went to a gym everyday and looked a certain way they’d feel secure, confident, and happy in their lives. That’s rarely true though. So much of confidence is about accepting who and where you are in this moment.

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It’s not like you will never negative have thoughts about yourself.  We all have those moments in which we let our insecurities overwhelm us. And sometimes, we do it so often, we really start to believe it. Yes, it’s nice to feel appreciated and hear words of affirmation from friends, family, lamisil oral reviews and even partners, but it’s even more important to create that foundation of self-worth for yourself.

That’s why you need to take a periodic step back and remind yourself: I am confident, I am loved, and I am enough just the way I am.

Use positive affirmations about your life and body to start each day with a moment of gratitude and acceptance, and the results will surprise you. With the help of these 28 affirmations, your words can become true thoughts and actions, whether it be in love, business, or self-acceptance. Save some to your Notes app or tape them on your mirror so you can look at them when you get ready every morning!

A version of this article was originally published in November 2016.

  • Express Your Thoughts

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    Think before you speak and bring positivity with your words.

  • Be Your Best

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    Your best self is just a few thoughts away.

  • Don’t Place Blame

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    Take responsibility and ownership for your life.

  • Live Truthfully

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    Make decisions that are led by your conscience. 

  • Strive for Equality

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    Embrace equality as the truth that will make humanity great. 

  • Know Your Worth

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    Don't ever doubt it. You are deserving of love and respect.

  • Forgive Yourself

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    Humans make mistakes all the time. Let it go. Move on. 

  • Embrace Your Success

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    We all have skills that make us stand out. Use what makes you unique and reach for the stars.

  • Find Courage

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    Self-respect is sometimes hard in the wake of insecurities. Don't back down.

  • Be Positive

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    There is no place for negativity in your mind.

  • Love Your Size

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    Bodies come in all different shapes and sizes. Yours is perfectly built to serve the functions it was meant to.

  • Live Fully

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    You're only as old as you feel.

  • Adore Your Curves

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    Guess what? Men love a woman's curves! So what's taking women so long to jump on the bandwagon?

  • Treat Your Body with Care

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    You only get one body. Take care of it.

  • Accept Miracles

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    Life will constantly surprise you.

  • Accept Love

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    If nothing else, you have yourself. Surround yourself with people who support and care for you.

  • Use Your Words

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    Treating words as tangible messages you put into this world will change your perception of self-improvement.

  • Pursue Your Purpose

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    Follow your inner voice. It will tell you the right path to take.

  • Be Beautiful

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    Don't let anyone, especially yourself, tell you you're not.

  • Ask for It

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    Seize your life by seizing your dreams. They will come to you.

  • Be Independent

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    You have the ability to take care of yourself. You don't need anyone else.

  • Be Enough

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    You don't need to add anything or be anything other than your true self.

  • Be Happy

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    Life is too short not to embrace all the amazing joy there is in it.

  • Do Anything

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    The only thing stopping you from reaching your highest goals is yourself.

  • Be Inspiring

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    You have the ability to be admired. 

  • Be Intelligent

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    We all can't be good at everything, but you are good at something.

  • Have Integrity

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    Define your morals and values and stick to them. Integrity is one of the most beautiful traits.

  • Seek Within Yourself

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    You are enough. You are perfect. You are capable.

  • Pin It

    Image Credit: Gabriela Arellano/SheKnows.

    Don't forget to pin these affirmations for later.

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