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We all know yoga is good for us. The stretching, the stability, the breathing. it’s good for our bodies and our souls. But did you know it could also be good for your eyes?

Beetles legend Paul McCartney, anti depressants citalopram 78, recently revealed on a podcast that he keeps his eyes strong and healthy by doing simple eye exercises.

So should we be doing eye yoga too? And what exactly are the benefits?

Sharon Copeland Optician at Feel Good Contacts says eye yoga exercises can condition and strengthen the eye area.

‘Although there is no scientific evidence or research to suggest eye yoga can help with eye problems such as dry eye, glaucoma and cataracts, there is some evidence to show it has benefits for eye strain,’ she explains.

‘Eye yoga might be something worth considering if you spend your days staring at a computer screen for long periods of time and suffer from computer vision syndrome.’

Computer vision syndrome is where your eyes start to feel strained, dry and tired from staring at screens – sound familiar? In some cases you can also experience headaches, discomfort and blurred vision.

But eye yoga could help. Taking time to do a few simple exercises with your eyes could help to reduce these symptoms and help your eyes recover from all that screen time.

Sharon has some eye yoga tips:

‘Firstly, make sure that you remove your glasses and contact lenses before beginning,’ she says. ‘Also, if you have any eye conditions or eye pain, consult your optician before trying eye yoga exercises.’

Eye rolling


Sideways glance


 Cross-eyed gaze

‘These eye exercises can be done anywhere as part of your eye care routine, to help ease your eye muscles after too much screen time,’ says Sharon.

‘These eye exercises could be particularly helpful to soothe your tired eyes during a workday.’

So, give those tired eyes a much needed break. And as tempting as TikTok/Twitter/emails may be, make sure you’re finding time to look away from your screens.

And, of course, if you have prolonged symptoms with your eyes or vision that are worrying you, make sure you speak to your GP or optician.

Do you have a story to share? We want to hear from you.

Get in touch: [email protected].

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