How to live longer: The major food swap to reduce cancer, heart disease and diabetes risk

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Although we are making strides in longevity, there are a number of factors that can increase the risk of suffering health problems. As the population lives longer, it is possible that the likelihood of many of us ending up with a long-term condition is also growing. Fortunately, healthy daily habits help provide a significant reduction in age-related disease including one vital food swap.

In the largest-ever nutritional comparison of beef and alternative burgers, a University of Massachusetts Amherst analysis found that packaged beef burgers on average contain more calories, protein, fat and cholesterol – and less sodium and fibre – than imitation and veggie burgers.

Published in the International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, the findings were based on an analysis of 158 products – 89 veggie burgers, 41 conventional burgers and 28 imitation burgers.

Other major studies from the US and China also found that processed beef patties were associated with a heightened risk of death of 10 to 13 percent.

Like switching from pork bacon to turkey bacon, switching to plant-based burgers could help to significantly reduce your risk of age-related diseases and boost longevity.

The life-shortening effect of red meat may be due to increased cholesterol, iron, preservatives and cancer-causing compounds that are produced when meat is cooked at high temperatures.

Cardiologist Dr Dennis Bruemmer said: “Beef has been linked to many different health issues not just cardiovascular disease but even cancer and diabetes.

“And consuming red meat on a regular basis is associated with increased death risk.”

Dr Bruemmer is a bit sceptical about recent studies that have downplayed those connections.

“The overwhelming prior literature would suggest there’s solid evidence in the risk associated with red meat,” he says.

Study authors wrote: “A change in protein source or eating healthy plant-based foods such as vegetables or whole grains can improve longevity.”

“We are not saying everybody should become vegetarian or vegan,” said the lead author, Frank B Hu of the Harvard TH Chan school of public health in Boston.

“However, there is a significant benefit if you replace some of the red meat with plant-based foods.”

Millions of people are suffering from health issues could be helped by eating a plant-based diet. 

Veganism has both short-term and long-term health benefits and can help you live a longer life. 

Vegans are 32 percent less likely to die from heart disease than meat-eaters, have a 35 percent less chance of developing prostate cancer, and are 23 percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

Not only does a plant-based diet help you steer clear of serious long-term health issues, but it can also help your health and well-being in the present as well.  

“There are tons of options for consumers to try and they might not be aware of the nutritional differences,” said senior author Alissa Nolden, assistant professor of food science at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

She added: “The goal of this study wasn’t to say one product category is healthier than the other. We wanted to look at the nutrients, which can sometimes become a lower priority during product development because there is a strong focus on making the product taste delicious.

“If you’re looking to reduce your overall calories and age-related diseases, then veggie burgers could be beneficial,” she added.

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