For the first time in many weeks: the number of active Corona cases in Austria, goes back over 1000

The Covid-19-pandemic keeps the world in breath. More than 11 million people have been infected with the novel Coronavirus, 196.304 of them in Germany. The disease Covid-19 has already claimed over half a Million deaths already.

Covid-19-News from Germany and around the world – the top stories: Suddenly makes the government of Turkey holiday-hope (11.26 p.m.) for the First time Mask in the public transport in Switzerland (10.26 a.m.) authorities to reveal the mesh of the Corona scammers (08.23 PM) Also, Rheinland-Pfalz holds the mask obligation (06.24 PM)

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For the first time since mid-may, the number of acutely Infected in Austria, again, over 1000 rose

In Austria, the number of acute Infected (active cases) increased for the first time since mid-may, again about 1000.

Austria had recently reported more Corona infections. On Sunday in three large slaughterhouse cases were detected. Two of the farms are not far from the German border. A total of ten employees, as well as 13 people from their environment had been tested positive for the Coronavirus, reported the news Agency APA on Sunday, citing the crisis staff of the Federal state of upper Austria. Previously, the “Kronen Zeitung had reported” about it. There was talk initially of twelve infections.

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