Here’s why working out with a hangover isn’t such a good idea

For some people, when a hangover hits the morning after a big night out, they prefer to order in a burger and fries and curl up on the couch for a Netflix binge-fest. For others, they prefer to sweat it out at the gym (yes, really). But according to Ian Streetz (via Independent), personal trainer at boxing gym Kobox in London, “A major problem with a hangover is of dehydration, and by attempting to sweat it out, further dehydration occurs.” In other words, by choosing to workout on a hangover, you may be doing more harm to your body than good. And it may not help your hangover at all.

As trainer and nurse Kristi Nickless, R.N., told Bustle, “Exercising while being severely dehydrated can cause an increase in heart rate (tachycardia) which can impair blood flow to the rest of the body, resulting in mental and muscular fatigue.” Yikes! 

There's no such thing as sweating out a hangover

Worse still, when working out on a hangover, there’s a much higher chance of injury. “Your co-ordination could be affected, and you’re more likely not to know your limits – for instance, if you’re lifting weights,” Dr. Sarah Jarvis, medical advisor at Drinkaware, told Cosmopolitan. “That means you’re much more likely to suffer an injury or strain something, which could put you out of action for a much longer time,” she added.

Ultimately, the concept of “sweating out a hangover” doesn’t really exist. As Mark Leyshon, senior policy and research officer at Alcohol Concern put simply to HuffPost, “No amount of exercise can reduce the effects of a hangover.” He added, “It’s best to rest and drink plenty of water rather than engaging in vigorous activity.” Which is true: Staying hydrated, sleeping, eating some protein, and taking over-the-counter painkillers for headaches are much more effective hangover cures. Skip the workout and hit the couch! Let’s be honest, your body (and your mind) probably deserves it.

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