RKI in the Ticker-Protocol: pandemic is not over yet, 12 million App Downloads
After a significant decline since mid-March, the Corona-case numbers in Germany increased slightly. The Robert Koch Institute has contacted in the morning to the Public, to explain the backgrounds. Read the statements of RKI-chief Lothar Wieler in the Ticker-Protocol of FOCUS Online.
- "We see that since last Tuesday, these Figures again ansteigen", RKI-Chef Wieler says. The developments would with "individual Infektionsgeschehen" contexts
- A total of 190.660 cases of infection have been transmitted in Germany – 8850 people have died. This results in a mortality rate of 4.7 per cent
- RKI-Chef Wieler says that the temperature and increased formation of aerosols in slaughterhouses to the increase in the infection cases that could have resulted
- In Iran, the RKI-chief currently sees a second wave of Infection
10.30 am: there Is now worldwide the second wave, asks a Journalist. Wieler confirmed that there is in Iran at the moment a second wave. In South Korea, he is currently only of an increase, and not as the beginning of a second wave. "But we need to keep the numbers in mind." So a second wave would always come, even in Germany. Nevertheless, Wieler optimistic that you could prevent this second wave. "Because we know, how we can prevent this second wave, even without the vaccine." The press conference is finished.
10.26 PM: Why is spreading the Virus so rapidly in slaughterhouses? The want to know, a Journalist. "This is a very important question, but we can’t beantworten" final;, RKI-Chef Wieler says. Sure is, that if people are living in crowded conditions, the Virus is more easily transferable. There are, however, also notes that two aspects in slaughterhouses play a greater role. The be the temperature, and the increased formation of aerosols in these Establishments. "This is an open question, but at the end of one or the other of larger Bedeutung" is;, so Wieler.
10.19 PM: "There is absolutely no reason to talk about the disease Severity less than you ist", warns RKI-Chef Wieler. Because of demographic situation there are many people in Germany, the fall in the so-called risk group. Therefore, he could not only appeal once again to all the German to take the Virus lightly.
RKI-chief: "Pandemic is not yet vorbei", 12 Million App Downloads
10.18 PM: Ute Rexroth says, the local authorities were very vigilant, cases would be relatively early detected. What measures were taken, must be decided under consideration of the overall situation.
10.16 am: An increased outbreak had happened in the last few weeks, mostly in areas with more difficult social conditions occurred, Rexroth. However, this can be in the case of infectious diseases is not uncommon.
10.15 PM: The share of the deceased would have been 4.7 percent. This is in international comparison very low, but still high in comparison with other virus diseases. The average age of the deceased would be, so Rexroth, at the age of 81.
10.13 PM: "Overall, we have 190.660 Corona cases transmitted bekommen", Ute Rexroth, head of the Department Surveillance at the RKI says. A total of 8895 people Covid-19 had died. From yesterday to today, there are 500 new cases of the Infected have been registered. However, one should note the high number of developments from the weekend, the RKI employee.
10.12 am: In the management of the Corona-outbreaks in Germany, the RKI great confidence in the local authorities. About measures for Virus containment should be decided locally, says Wieler. Because Numbers in isolation, not as a statement to be strong, need to Responsible to judge on the spot about whether it was a limited outbreak, or whether the risk of the spread pass.
The RKI informed about the latest developments in the Corona-crisis
10.12 PM: Wieler warns, however, that the pandemic is not yet over. The outbreak in meat establishments or services could easily be in the wider population worn out. He again stresses the importance of masks. “A new part of the pandemic against the Corona-Warning-App is,” he says. This would have been downloaded now more than 12 million people. The digital Tool could help the chain of Infection break as early as possible.
10.11 PM: “Also, the number of the transmitted deaths in the last days fallen,” explains Wieler. Among other things, the older population, are affected groups and is currently exposed to the Coronavirus. “The treatment capacities in Germany are still good,” he explains further.
10.10 PM: The sun of each infection happened, Wieler plays here, probably on the Corona onset in the case of Tönnies to. Such Infection, the R would influence value is a file, the RKI-chief. Nevertheless, the measures in Germany have worked well overall, they have resorted to””. The sun to the great willingness of the German population.
10.09 PM: RKI-chief Lothar Wieler informed about the latest developments in the Corona-crisis. Out of many circles-in-chief Lothar Wieler had been reported in the past few days, no new cases of infection, as the RKI. “We see that since last Tuesday, these Figures rise again,” he says.
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