Three ‘physical signs’ of an addiction to prescription drugs – specialist insight

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Specialists from Delamere Health – a private, purpose-built addiction rehab clinic in Cheshire, UK – shared three “physical signs” of addiction. One such sign is a change in sleeping patterns, which might include the affected person sleeping more or less than they usually would. Sleeping patterns may have changed too, so the person could feel awake at night but be sleeping during the day.

There may also be a change in appetite, either one that increases or one that is suppressed.

This may lead to noticeable weight loss or weight gain, depending on how the appetite is affected.

Another physical sign of an addiction to prescription drugs might include a “change in appearance”.

“Someone addicted to prescription drugs is likely to take less interest in their hygiene and appearance,” the experts noted.

Other signs may include:

  • Withdrawal symptoms when they run out of the prescription drug
  • Compulsive drug-seeking and taking
  • Mixing prescription drugs with alcohol or other drugs.

The experts at Delamere Health elaborated: “Those addicted to prescription drugs will naturally seek to get high.

“If they become tolerant of a prescribed drug, they may start drinking alcohol, taking other drugs or medication to increase euphoric effects.”

The person suffering from addiction issues may increase the amount of prescribed medication they take in one sitting.

This too is because of an increased tolerance to the medication.

Warning signs of intoxication might surface, such as:

  • Feeling very tired
  • Difficulty staying awake
  • Slurred or slowed speech
  • Difficult to engage with
  • Full of energy, confident, and unusually chatty.

Psychological signs of dependency include severe mood swings, with a “comedown” period following on from abuse of prescription drugs.

Such side effects may lead to agitation, anxiousness, feeling panicky, paranoia, or depression.

“An individual who abuses prescription drugs may act out of character and behave impulsively with little or no thought to possible consequences,” the experts continued.

“Someone who is abusing prescription drugs may start to socialise with a different circle of friends or adversely isolate on their own.”

They may also lose interest in hobbies they once enjoyed, as well as not wanting to spend time with family.

The experts stated: “Despite the fact that prescription drugs might sound somehow ‘safer’ than illegal substances, they are no less addictive.”

People suffering from an addiction to prescription drugs are encouraged to seek professional help.

“Do not just stop taking the drug, [as] this can cause life threatening complications to occur,” experts at Delamere Health stated.

Public Health England have called for a “landmark review” and stricter protocols for the prescription of the following addictive prescription drugs:

  • Antidepressants – including mirtazapine and trazodone
  • Opioids (for chronic pain) – including codeine, morphine, oxycodone, tramadol
  • Gabapentinoids – including gabapentin and pregabalin
  • Benzodiazepines – including valium (diazepam), temazepam, librium
  • Z List drugs – including zopiclone and zolpidem.

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