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Symptoms of poor gut health can be incredibly uncomfortable. What’s more, a healthy gut helps the body absorb all the nutrients it needs to thrive.

Dr Rupy was asked about vitamins and their effect on the gut by

The medical expert, who recently discussed the Vitamin D boosting vegetable to add to your diet to boost gut health,  said: “I think the unfortunate answer for people is there is no quick fix, it just really doesn’t exist.”

The best way to improve your gut health, Rupy said, is to eat a varied diet.

“Diversity in your diet is the best way to support your microbes, xanax generic yellow oval ” he said.

“When I say diversity, there was a study that found 30 different plant types in your diet per week was shown to improve your gut microbe population.”

He went on: “There are also studies looking at the number of vegetables in diet recommending around 800 grammes of fruit and veg per day.

“It sounds like a lot and it’s about 10 portions.”

However, Rupy said the numbers shouldn’t be overwhelming.

The medical professional specialised in creating veg heavy recipes in his recent book, Doctor’s Kitchen 3-2-1.

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Vitamin D boosting vegetable to add to your diet to boost gut health [DIET] 
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He explained the recipes provide: “Three portions of fruits and vegetables per person, two servings per recipe and all using one pan, so you can actually achieve close to 10 portions of fruit vegetables a day.”

He stressed: “getting as much variety as possible (is important) because your microbes thrive on interesting new bits of food from various sources so that’s the best strategy, rather than individual vitamins.”

The doctor went on: “Your humble apple has this incredible orchestra of different macronutrients including vitamin C, beta-keratin, but it also contains things like quercetin, pectins, all the insoluble fibres that support metabolism.

“A whole food plant focus diet is the best vitamins.”

Good foods for gut health

Eat lots of fibre in foods like:

  • Brown rice
  • Oats
  • Wholemeal bread
  • Fibrous vegetables

Try adding probiotic yoghurt to your diet to boost gut microbe health.

Drinks lots of water.

Eat fermented foods like:

  • Kefir
  • Kimchi
  • Miso
  • Sauerkraut

Dr Rupy recently discussed the mental health symptoms that might mean a vitamin deficiency. 

He said: “Magnesium, selenium, vitamin D, all these have been in some way linked to poor mental functioning disorders as well.”

Dr Rupy focused on the importance of getting enough vitamins in your diet to support good mental health.

He said: “The thing is you can get adequate amounts of all of these things through diet.”

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