High blood pressure: This plant pigment that lowers the blood pressure Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal
Flavonoids for lowering blood pressure suitable
A study came to the result that the Flavonoid Quercetin can lower blood pressure. The phytochemical in onions, tea, grapes, citrus fruits and Apples find. The researchers compared a number of studies to identify the natural blood pressure-lowering drug.
A research team analyzed 17 studies on the effect of Quercetin. 13 of the studies reviewed were able to demonstrate a significant reduction in blood pressure through regular intake of Quercetin. The analysis was recently presented in the journal “Nutrition Reviews”.
Heart diseases are one of the biggest health problems
Artherosklerotische cardiovascular diseases around the world are contributing significantly to human morbidity and mortality. Heart diseases to take given the world’s ageing population, with an unprecedented speed and are appreciated for more than 17 million deaths per year. In addition, cardiovascular diseases are associated with a reduced quality of life and provide substantial cost to the health care system.
A majority of the risk lies in your own Hand
Large-scale studies have shown that potentially modifiable risk factors such as high blood sugar, high blood pressure and obesity as well as behavior-related, life-style factors such as alcohol consumption, diet quality, physical activity, and tobacco use play a key role in the pathogenesis of heart diseases.
Proper nutrition reduces the risk
Several recent studies suggest that certain natural products and functional foods such as nuts, Spirulina seaweed and berries, a protective cardiovascular effects. The researchers showed with their analysis that Quercetin are foods to lower blood pressure.
What is Quercetin?
The plant pigment Quercetin belongs to a class of flavonoids from the group of polyphenols, and is a natural component in several foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, wine, black tea and onions. A variety of studies showed that regular intake of Quercetin or quercetin-rich foods a wide range of health-promoting effects brings. Therefore, Quercetin clotting is inhibitory, anti-inflammatory, blood pressure lowering effect and blood sugar lowering.
Versatile positive effects with no harmful side effects
The results of the current Meta-analysis indicate that Quercetin has the ability to reduce blood pressure without causing any negative effects. In the case of a longer regular Quercetin-consumption of more than eight weeks, the HDL-cholesterol values of the Participants, i.e. the “good cholesterol increased, also,”.
Quercetin as a dietary Supplement?
The researchers come to the conclusion that regular Quercetin intake may be through the diet, effectively, to reduce the risk of heart disease. Further studies are required, however, to check whether the same effect in the case of a Quercetin-entry supplements, and the Quercetin absorption positive over a long period of time. (vb)
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