Gout prevention: change in Diet can help – Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

Painful attacks of Gout by a proper diet to prevent

According to experts, about one Million people in Germany are affected by gout. This metabolic disease can inflame the joints strong. Many patients can be treated with medication. But the pain of gout can seizures are often a natural way to prevent sticking. Especially important is the proper nutrition here.

According to the German rheumatic League around 950,000 people with gout to live in Germany. About eight out of ten victims are male. Usually the disease occurs after the age of 40. Years of age and in women mostly after menopause. The disease is often treated with medications, but also diet plays in gout an important role.

Uric acid is inadequately excreted

As the Swiss society for nutrition (SGE), reported on its website, is inherited in the predisposition for gout most of the time. It is the diminished ability of the kidneys, excreting uric acid.

The uric acid is the metabolic product of purines, which are included according to the experts in all cell nuclei. The Purines originate from food, but also from the body’s own production.

If uric acid is inadequately excreted, it concentrates in the blood. The uric acid concentration in the blood exceeds a certain limit, crystallizes and is then deposited in the joints. This can lead to a very painful attack of gout.

The League against rheumatism, the disease occurs in one third of Affected first at the foot, usually at the base joint of the big toe. The joint becomes inflamed, becomes very hot, swells and discolors to red to bluish and very sensitive to touch.

Other joints such as the knee-, ankle-, pastern-, Hand -, or finger joints can also be affected.

After the first attack of gout it can come in irregular intervals again and again to further acute attacks. In between, months or even years can pass. Attacks of gout can also be more often.

Scientifically proven risk factors for gout

The Institute for quality and efficiency in health care (IQWiG) declared on the Portal “gesundheitsinformation.de” that all of the factors that increase the level of uric acid, can also be beneficial for a gout.

In the case of patients already suffering from gout, increase the risk for more seizures. Include yet in scientific studies, proven risk factors for gout:

  • Medicines that increase the uric acid level: in particular, dehydrating medications (diuretics), also acetylsalicylic acid (Asa) and certain drugs used after an organ transplant count. Also, the Parkinson’s drug Levodopa, as well as cancer drugs that can predispose them to gout.
  • Meat, fish and seafood contain a lot of Purines. If these foods are consumed in larger quantities, increase the risk of developing gout. While some plant foods are purinreich, but they showed in studies, no influence on the occurrence of gout.
  • Alcohol: Alcoholic beverages promote the formation of uric acid and also have a dehydrating effect. In addition, alcohol causes the kidneys to excrete less uric acid. In addition, beer contains relatively a lot of Purines. In scientific studies, it has been shown that beer and high-percentage alcohol can also promote gout. Wine (consumed in moderation) has apparently no influence.
  • Sugary drinks: drinks that contain a lot of (fruit)sugar can increase the risk for gout something. This applies to both sugar-sweetened beverages such as soft drinks as well as fruit juices. Soft drinks that contain sweetener instead of sugar, but in the case of gout, in conjunction.
  • Overweight: The risk of developing gout is increased in Obesity and rises with increasing Body Mass Index (BMI).

But even if, certain foods and other factors can increase the risk of gout or gout attacks slightly: According to the IQWiG is especially important that the kidneys are functioning well, and an Excess of uric acid can reliably be eliminated.

So pain attacks of Gout are liable to prevent

Many of those Affected are taking uric acid-lowering medication to prevent further gout prevent attacks. However, a change in Diet can help to ensure that it is not more – or not as often attacks of Gout. The SGE summarizes what to consider in the diet:

  • They increase the amount they drink two to three litres per day. As a result, the uric acid concentration in the blood is lowered. They drink mainly water, mineral water and herbal tea and avoid beverages that are sweetened with fruit sugar.
  • Avoid alcohol, because alcohol has a doubly negative: it escapes, as described above, the body of water and reduces the ability of the kidneys, excreting uric acid, the body does alcohol own uric acid production.
  • Fasting is for gout patients and patients dangerous because it makes the uric acid concentration in the blood to rise; the risk for a painful attack of gout is on the rise.
  • You eat a lot of vegetables, whole grain products and legumes. Dietary fiber rich foods contain more Purines than food, low-fiber food, but they lead to an increased gout risk, and even improve the Purina usscheidung. An isolated intake of bran is not, however, make sense.
  • You can restrict the Purinzufuhr from animal food, if the mentioned measures do not bring relief. This means: Avoid strong purinhaltige foods such as meat extract, organ meats, tuna and anchovies, as far as possible; you eat a maximum of once a day meat or fish; turn on meatless days; remove the skin from poultry and fish.

The right diet can also be a doctor or a nutritionist or a dietitian to discussed. (ad)

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